Get Outside!

Can going outside really make you happier? Yes it can. There is something about being outside in nature that is therapeutic. The fresh air. The smell of the trees. The beautiful scenery. There is just something special about it. Any outdoor adventure can put a smile on your face.
If you are lucky enough to see any type of wildlife it makes it even more special. Something about seeing a wild animal invigorates you. Seeing a hawk, an owl or an eagle. Seeing deer or coyote. Listening to the birds or frogs. Even just watching squirrels or chipmunks buzz around a tree absolutely puts a smile on anybody’s face.
It can be healthy alone time to recharge your batteries or it can be a great time to create memories with your family or friends. If you have children they will think it is a great adventure. Climbing over rocks and running around trees. Finding acorns, sticks and pine cones. I promise you they will love it and everyone will sleep better.
If you have ever read the book WILD by Cheryl Strayed you can see how therapeutic nature can be. After suffering the death of her mother, alienation/distance by her stepfather and siblings and then addiction to heroin. The author heads out on the Pacific Crest Trail and with the physical challenges and mental challenges that parallel her life she is able to get her life back together. Some people say that you can leave your troubles on the trail.

Water is literally life. No life can exist without it. All civilizations are within close proximity to an ocean, a lake, a river or a stream. Most people would agree that they are “drawn” to water. Go someplace where there is water. Take a walk around a pond or lake. Hike to a river or stream. Go swimming. You will just feel better.
If you know someone with a boat or have one of your own, get out on the water. A lot of parks have a place where you can rent a small boat. Rowing around a pond is a great way to spend an afternoon.
Take your kids fishing. I guarantee you will create memories. Have some great pictures and have some laughs. If you are lucky enough to catch something you might even have a nice meal.
Get your feet in the water. Roll up your pants and wade into the water. The sand squishing between your toes is almost like nature giving you a foot massage. Listening to the waves crashing on the beach is absolutely therapeutic to listen to. Watching the waves crash on the beach is mezmerizing.

A lot of us sit in offices under fluorescent or LED lights everyday. Being outside exposes you to natural light. Natural light from the sun gives you vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital in our bodies ability to absorb calcium. Calcium is one of the building blocks to strong bones. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the foods you eat. It is an essential nutrient that can help prevent heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and inflammation. It can also help you lose weight, prevent osteoporosis, and once again give you stronger bones.
A lack of sunlight and therefore serotonin, has been associated with depression.
Sunlight has actually been associated with increased serotonin levels. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood, feeling calm and increasing focus. Being outside can also reduce stress.
Just feeling the warmth of the sun on your face can be magical.

Whether we are at home or at work, we could all use a technology break. If you are inside generally we are in front of some kind of screen. It could be your computer, tablet, phone or a television. We could all use a break from this. Seeing nature and “real life” is just better.
For a lot of us our jobs and our lives have become sedentary. We sit behind a computer at work or at school. Sit in our cars while we commute to and from work or school. We come home and sit on our couch and watch tv. When we get outside we are moving. Running, walking, biking, swimming. Burning some calories and getting our heart rate up a little. All of these are good for us and they just feel good.
So get outside. Kick a ball. Play catch. Play frisbee. Take a walk on the beach, ride a bike. Lace up your hiking boots and head into the woods. Kayak, go stand-up paddle boarding, swim in the ocean or a lake. Have a picnic. Just get outside and enjoy nature.