Just Say Yes!
It could change your life.
We all find reasons to not do things. I’m tired. I don’t like my husband’s friends. It’s raining out. When we do this we cheat ourselves out of another experience. If you really want your life to change, just say yes or at the very least find a reason to say yes.
I went through a rough break-up where our family was torn apart. My kids were dragged back and forth between their mother and I. It was pretty horrific and I was pretty upset about the whole thing.
I found myself sulking around all the time. Just kind of going through the motions. I must have been really depressing to be around.
I started looking for distractions and I found myself looking at trips and weekend getaways. I always seemed to find a reason not to go though. I would get invited to parties and barbeques and I would say no. Then one day I said to myself “What the hell are you doing? Go!”
Next thing I know I went down to Mexico and hung out with friends for a weekend. Mexico is very inexpensive and driving distance from where I live. We went down and had a ton of fun. We ate great food. Nachos, ceviche and an inexpensive fish dinner. Watched the surfers, hung out by the ocean and by the pool. We went into the little town of Puerto Nuevo. Had a lot of laughs. It was great.

Shortly after that a buddy and I went to Zion National park and went hiking. We hiked around Zion for three days. It is absolutely beautiful there. We hiked this crazy hike called Angels Landing in Zion where there is 1000 foot drop on both sides as you walk across this 2 ft wide narrow path. We had a great time.

I took my kids to see the space shuttle in LA. Then we went to Channel Islands National Park and took a boat over to the Channel Islands. Which is beautiful. While we were there we saw the Island Fox which is the only place in the world this fox lives On the way back we saw dolphins and giant humpback whales. It was absolutely amazing.

When my 2 youngest went back to school I knew I was going to have them for the weekend and I was thinking about what we would do. I live in this not so nice little apartment and I didn’t want to spend the whole weekend in my apartment.
Next thing I know I am online making reservations. When my kids got home from school I said guess where we are going? We are going to see the Patriots (we are big fans) in San Francisco. I was able to get cheap tickets (San Francisco wasn’t so good that year) and a cheap hotel room. We jumped in my car and drove to San Francisco. Went to Ghiradelli Square. Saw the Golden Gate bridge. Ate some good food. Watched the Patriots play the Forty Niners. We had a great time.
Don’t think I am some rich guy. Everyone of these things I went online and searched out deals. Looked for discount codes and got coupons for cheap dinners.
When Thanksgiving rolled around I had my kids for Thanksgiving day, but it was their mother’s week so they would be heading back there after dinner. I started thinking, “what the hell am I going to do all weekend?” I start making some phone calls. “Do you have any rooms available?” “Actually I just had a cancellation.” “Perfect I’ll take it!” Next thing you know I am on my way to Mammoth Mountain in CA to go skiing. It was a ton of fun.

I also started going whenever anyone asked me to come over for a barbeque or go on a bike ride. I invited friends to my little apartment. Hey let’s cook some burgers.
I have a friend who has an office right down the hall from mine and he said to me, “wow, you seem to be doing all kinds of things.” I told him we all find 10 reasons not to do things…. I’m tired. I don’t like my friends husband. It’s hot out. I’m just not feeling it….. I just started to find a reason to say yes. Yes to everything.
I guess I have been a little like Jim Carey’s character in the movie Yes Man. I will say this. It has made my life a lot more fun.
As I sit here writing this blog post, I am kind of taking inventory on the last six month’s and I realize I have slowed down quite a bit. I am going to get back at it. Make your life better. Go to the party. Go on the bike ride. Go on the camping trip.
Just find a reason to say yes! Your life will be a lot more fun. Seriously. Just by saying yes more your life will get better. I promise