You Don' t Have to Stay Stuck!
Change can be good!
So you are sitting at home watching Friends for the 100th time and you think, “I can’t do this another night.”
Sometimes we all feel trapped in life. You have a lousy job. You are in a bad relationship. You just aren’t happy with where your life is. I think we all have these feelings. The question is what are you doing with these feelings?
The way that I see it is you always have a choice. If you don’t like your job, you can quit. If you are not happy in a relationship, you can end it. If you are not happy with where your life is, you can change it.
Sounds pretty simple and it really is . There may be some difficult ramifications that go along with it, but it can be done. Where you are in life right now is not a life sentence. You can move from here. Others have done it before you. It may be difficult, but it could also turn out to be the best thing you have ever done.
So you aren’t happy with a relationship. You can talk to the other person and hope that they change. If they don’t, you can leave. I know it will not be pleasant, but it happens all the time and most people end up much happier. It has to be better than staying in a relationship you are miserable in. If you are unhappy change it. Life is short. You only get one life. Do everything you can to make it a happy one.
So you hate your job. Guess what? You can quit your job and get a new one! Hell, you can quit your job and go after your dreams! This may be challenging, but it absolutely can be done.
I always ask people, what is the worst case scenario? If you fell flat on your face, which you probably won’t, you would probably come back and try and get your old job back. You would then be right back where you are now. So in reality you have nothing to lose going for that dream or going for that new job.
If you are not happy with where your life is, it is usually time to do some self reflection. What makes you happy? People often tell me they don’t know. Well if you don’t know, start thinking about what your favorite things to do are. Think about what you loved to do as a kid. If you love movies, you could get yourself involved in a local film festival. You never know, you could turn this into a job doing something you love.
If you love music you could get yourself an instrument and learn how to play it. The next thing you know you could be joining a band and playing out.
If you love computer gaming you could get involved with a gaming community. With the resources available on the internet today there really is no reason to be miserable. You could easily find a group interested in what you are interested in and you could get involved.
Most communities have activity centers. If your town does not, the one next to your most likely does. There are softball, basketball and soccer teams to join for all ages. You could take a dance class just for the hell of it. You could learn wood working. Metal working. You could do aerobics.
There are groups out there for everything. Politics, gardening, model cars, book clubs, knitting clubs, quilting groups, choirs, car clubs, motorcycle clubs. Join something that you never thought you would be interested in.
With any of these activities if you put yourself out there you will meet new people who have similar interests to yours. You will also most likely make some new friends.
The biggest thing that you can do to improve your life is to get out there. The first thing may not click. Hell the first 5 things may not click, but if you keep at it I can all but guarantee you will have some fun. Meet some new people. Have some new experiences. Most likely make some new friends. If you stay on your couch doing nothing I can almost guarantee your life won’t get any better. The choice is yours. Now go get yourself out there. If not you can probably watch Friends again……