How To Boost Your Immune System
With Covid -19 affecting the entire world it boggles the mind that people aren’t talking more about boosting your immune system. Improving your body’s defenses against getting sick seems to be one of the most intelligent things we could do to try and fight off the virus. In our never ending quest to make the world a little bit better, here are a few ways you can boost your own immune system. These are by no means cures and you should contact your doctor for any medical advice, but if you can help your body fight off any illness it just seems like the most intelligent thing you can do.
Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables– Getting your body the right nutrients gives you the best chance to fight any illness that may come your way. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and potassium. They’re also an excellent source of dietary fiber, which can help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems.

Below are some of the most important vitamins and minerals and the foods that contain them.
Foods high in Vitamin A- Spinach, cantaloupe, sweet potato, butternut squash, carrots, tuna, lettuce , red bell peppers, pink grapefruit and broccoli.
Vitamin C- Citrus like oranges , lemons, limes, mandarins. Vegetables li like broccoli, brussel sprouts, green and red bell peppers, spinach, cabbage and other leafy greens.
Foods high in Vitamin D- Salmon, herring, sardines, cod liver oil, tuna, egg yolk, cheese, mushrooms. You can also get vitamin D from sunlight.
Foods high in Zinc- Oysters, beef, chicken(leg and thigh dark meat), firm tofu, lean pork chops, hemp seeds, lentils, oatmeal, shiitake mushrooms.
Foods high in Folic acid- Broccoli, brussel sprouts, leafy green vegetable, chickpeas and peas.
Iron- Red meat, pork, poultry, beans, dark leafy vegetables like spinach.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate– We can’t say enough about hydrating your body. Our lymphatic system is what flushes out our body. This is what removes toxins. If we are not hydrated our lymphatic system cannot operate correctly. The lymphatic system also transports infection fighting white blood cells throughout the body. Staying hydrated gives our bodies the best chance at flushing out all of these toxins and delivering the infection fighting white blood cells where they are needed.

Sleep– We heal when we sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is paramount to your body’s ability to fight off sickness. Research has shown that adults getting less than 6 hours of sleep are more susceptible to catching a cold than those receiving 7 or more.. Your body releases cytokines when you sleep. These cytokines are proteins used to fight infections. Sleep deprivation may decrease the number of cytokines released by your body and therefore inhibit your body’s ability to fight infections.
Maintain a Healthy Body Weight– Recent studies have shown that those affected by obesity show an impaired immune response or immune function leading to increased chances for bacterial and viral infections. Extra weight can make it more difficult to breath as well. Considering Covid -19 Is a respiratory tract infection that impairs breathing it is wise to get your weight under control.
Studies have also shown that individuals affected by obesity have a high no response rate to vaccination. This means that they don’t produce the anti bodies necessary to fight off the infection.
Getting your weight under control is extremely important in fighting viruses and infections

Exercise– Exercise and health go hand in hand. Regular exercise increases blood flow, reduces stress and inflammation, and strengthens antibodies. Most experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise per wee
Drink Green Tea– Green tea has powerful antioxidants. Green tea is also a good source of L theanine, L- Theanine is known to promote relaxation and diminish anxiety.
Have a laugh– They say laughter is the best medicine for a reason.
Reduce Stress– Studies have shown that stress can weaken your immune system. Make a point to prioritize your mental health. Meditate, exercise, and controlled breathing exercises are great ways to reduce stress.
Wear a mask– This is a no brainer. We understand your personal freedom, but the woman walking next to you may have a sick child at home. If that child gets covid he or she could die. It really is a small thing to ask.
Wash your hands– Wearing a mask and washing your hands are two of the best ways to help prevent you from getting sick in the first place. While washing hands and wearing a mask do not boost your immune system they can minimize your chances of contracting an illness in the first place.Avoid cigarette smoking and alcohol- Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are two of the most damaging things you can do to your body.

Putting the right foods in your body, getting proper rest, exercising and avoiding things detrimental to your health will give you the best chance to fight off any virus. They will also help you feel a whole lot better! You only get one body treat it well and you will live a much healthier and happier life.