36 Compliments to Make Someone Else's Day
We all like to get compliments. They make you feel good. They make you feel like people notice. They make you feel like they care. Well then wouldn’t you want to make others feel those nice feelings. In our never ending quest to make the world a better place. We think the world might be a better place if everyone was walking around feeling pretty good about themselves. Well what better way to make people feel good about themselves than to compliment them. We have compiled a list of compliments to tell others. We hope you enjoy it and we hope you use them. Please take notice that these are not compliments about physical attributes. So please take these compliments and make someone else’s day.

“Wow I am so Impressed!”
“Thank you for being so kind!” Kindness is everything.
“Damn! You look good!” We all want to look good.
“Everytime I see you I like you more!”
“You are doing so well!” Being congratulated on your success is so fulfilling.
“I would love your opinion” Having your opinion respected is you being acknowledged.
“You just light up a room. It is amazing” Who doesn’t want to be the shining light

“I always learn so much from you!” You are being told you are intelligent.
“You are the person everyone wants on their team!” Whether work or play this is a huge compliment.
“You are a ball of light in a dark room!”
“You are like a beam of sunshine!”
“You are so real. I love how you are not pretending to be someone else..so refreshing!”

“You are the hardest worker I have ever seen.”
“I love your brutal honesty!” Don’t we all want the truth. Huge compliment.
“I bet you make babies smile!”
“You could turn a funeral into a block party!”
“You are the person I am hoping to become!” Does a compliment get any better?
“You have Impeccable manners!” Thank your parents.
“You are so real!”

“I can see your kindness in your eyes.”
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you are the one always helping.”
“You have the best smile!
“I love your laugh”
“You are so funny”
“You are so fun!”

“You really are just special.”
“You are even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside!”
“You are the most amazing person”
“I think I like you more than candy.”
Please take any one of these compliments or any of your own and spread them around. Make someone else’s day.