30 Ways to be Happier
One of the best things you can do to make the world a better place is to work on yourself. Here are 30 suggestions to help make a happier you. Because who doesn’t want to be happier?

- Choose to be happier. Happiness is a choice. Wake up and be grateful for what you have. Declare that you are going to be happy. When someone or something tries to bring you down. Refuse to let it happen. Just keep being happy!………. So walk out the door today with a smile on your face. Say something nice to everyone you meet and smile. I promise. If you start each day like this you will be more happy.
2. Get your finances in order. Most stress that people have is financial stress. Do whatever you need to do to get your finances in order.
3. Eliminate those people in your life who cause you stress or bring you down. It is ok to grow apart from friends and even family. If they do nothing but cause you anxiety and stress, it may be time to move on from them.
4. Take inventory of what makes you happy. Pay attention to the things that bring you joy and do more of those things. Some people look all the way back into their childhood to discover what they really love. If you used to love playing guitar, maybe it is time to pick it up again.
5. Get outside. It is amazing what a little fresh air can do. Go to a park. Go for a walk. Go for a bike ride. Go hiking. I promise it can change everything.

6. Take a technology break. This is an extension of #5. Shut off the TV, get off your tablet, turn your phone off.
7. Create balance in your life. Many feel that balance is the key to happiness. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Are you working too much? Maybe you should have a little bit more “me time.” Do you play too much? Maybe you need to spend more time on your career. Inside you might realize that you intrinsically know this and it manifests itself into anxiety. You need to be really honest with yourself on this one. Look at yourself honestly from the outside. Maybe ask a close friend their honest opinion. Make sure you ask the friend who will tell you the truth.
8. Set up a morning routine. Having a normal routine to set your day up correctly can really do wonders for starting your day off right. This is a good time to think about what you are grateful for in your life. It is really difficult to be unhappy when you go over all of the things you are really thankful for.
9. Workout. Getting your blood flowing and releasing some endorphins is a great way to start your day. You usually can burn off any stress you may have and getting a good workout in makes you feel good about yourself. Many on the staff at www.kindnicehappy.com have said that while they workout they try to go over what they are grateful for. This lets them do 2 things at once.
10. Set small goals that you can accomplish. Achieving even small victories is still a win. Take every win you can get. All of a sudden you have stacked up a few wins in a row and you start to feel pretty good about yourself.

11. Meditate. You will hear many people say that meditation calms them down and centers them. Meditation time is a good time for self affirmation. If you tell yourself everyday that you are a good person, pretty soon you will start to believe it.
12. Eat right. Why would you put anything but the best food in your body. If you bought a Ferrari would you put kerosene in it? Probably not. You would probably put the best gas in it you could. Treat you and your body like a Ferrari. Only put the best fuel in it.
13. Get proper rest. Have you ever noticed that every time that you are cranky or short with your friends or family that you usually didn’t get enough sleep the night before. If it is not that it is usually you didn’t eat and you are “hangry.” We are all just big babies. We all get cranky if we are hungry or tired.
14. Do the thing you want to do the least first. Get it out of the way. If you are having salmon, rice and broccoli for dinner and you hate broccoli, eat the broccoli first. Then you get to enjoy the rest of your meal. The same goes for your day. If you have a report that is due that you are dreading, do it first. Get it out of the way. Then you get to enjoy the rest of your day.
15. Be happy with what you have. This might be the most important thing on this list. My grandmother lived in the projects (ghetto) her entire life. She never really had any material things. She was always happy. Thrilled to have her children and grandchildren around. Thrilled to have a nice meal with her family. As you get older you realize that this is the important stuff. The material things are just bs. The quicker you realize this the better your life is going to be.

16. Do something nice for someone else. People who volunteer are said to have more fulfilling lives. If you don’t have time to volunteer, try and do something nice for someone who you doesn’t often have nice things done for them. Invite that shy girl at work to eat lunch with you. You never know you may make a new friend.
17. Go out of your way to make someone who doesn’t feel a part of things to be a part of something. That guy at work that everyone thinks is a little weird. Ask him about his weekend. Invite him to watch the game with the other guys. Go the extra mile to include someone who isn’t usually included.
18. Listen to music. Music is such a gift. If you are having a bad day and the right song comes on it can change everything. There is so much music out there you can find something. If you aren’t that into music, look a little deeper. Listen to the lyrics closer. Get a decent pair of headphones close your eyes and let the music take you somewhere else. Music is magic.
19. Make a delicious meal that you have never made before. There are a million recipes online. Even if you live alone cook yourself a great meal that you have never had before. Find a recipe. Go buy the ingredients. Turn on some music and start cooking. You will have fun. If you can do it with a friend or family even better.
20. Read a good book. Ask a friend or a coworker. There are some amazing books out there that can lift your whole spirit.

21. Spend time with loved ones. This should/could be number one. If you want to have a good friend you need to be a good friend. If you want to have a close family, you have to be close with your family. It can take some work, but it is worth it.
22. Look through old photos or at old videos. This can put a smile on anyone’s face. Just laughing at old hairdos alone can make this endeavor worth it.
23. Watch old movies. Get some popcorn and maybe a few sweets and make a night of it. Alway fun. Invite a friend or do it solo.
24. Game night. Friends, games, food. All good.
25. Next time it is time to change a password make your password positive. Everytime you login you will be telling yourself something nice or getting you to your next goal.. If you want to be a teacher, change your password to teacherin2022.

26. At the end of the day reflect on your accomplishments. If you did well, be proud of yourself. If you didn’t tell yourself. “I will do better tomorrow.”
27. Plan a trip. Even if it is a day trip. Having something to look forward to makes life better.
28. Go see something you have never seen before. Something to look forward to and something new to see.
29. Get a pet. Whether you are a dog person or a cat person. Furry friends tend to make life better. Ideally get one from a shelter if you can.
30. See how many people you can make smile. Doesn’t matter how you do it. Just try it. You will be amazed at how it makes you feel.

We hope you find reasons to be happy everyday. You are wonderful and we hope you work on yourself because you are awesome. Oh yeah you are cute, funny and beautiful too!