25 Ways To Be Kind To Yourself

There are a lot of great people in the world. One of the things I have noticed about some of the most giving people is they very often neglect themselves.
Sooo… right now we are going to take the time to give you a few tips to take care of that beautiful person in the mirror. It is ok to be kind to yourself. The world can be a pretty rough place and can beat you up pretty bad.
It is ok to stop once and while and concentrate on you. It is not only ok, but you should absolutely take the time to do it. We have compiled a few suggestions to help you with this.
- Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Don’t let past mistakes weigh you down. You are not perfect and neither is anyone else. Forgive yourself. Learn from it and move on.
2. Make a list of everything you do well. This is not the time to be humble. Write down your greatest attributes and be proud of them. If you dress well, write it down. If you are a pretty decent cook, write it down. If you are ever feeling down pull out this list and read it over. There is nothing wrong with celebrating you!
3. Make some time for yourself. You make time for friends, for family, for co workers. Make some time for you. Spend that time doing things that you love to do. You are worth it and you deserve it.
4. Take care of your mental health. You can’t help others out if you are not ok. First and foremost make sure you are ok.
5. Eat right. You are what you eat. If you eat garbage all the time, well…

6. Exercise. It makes you feel good about yourself. Don’t do it for anyone else, do it for you.
7. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential. It is when you recharge your batteries. You won’t be very effective with anything you do if you are running on empty
8. Make sure you have balance in your life. If you are playing too much, your professional life will suffer and this will affect you. If you work too much you won’t be enjoying life and this will affect you. More than just about anything, balance is the key to life.
9. Say yes. Say yes to fun things. Say yes to what makes you feel good. Say yes to living better.
10. Say no. Setting boundaries is one of the best things you can do for yourself. One of the greatest ways to do that is by saying “that doesn’t work for me.” It is non confrontational and generic enough to cover most situations.

11. Treat yourself. I am not a big advocate of consumerism, but it is ok to treat yourself to something special. You work hard. You deserve it.
12. Take special care of yourself. Take the extra time to pamper yourself a bit. Put on some of your favorite music. Make yourself your favorite tea or some cocoa with marshmallows. Take a bath. Massage your own feet. Read a good book. Take care of you!
13. Work towards your dreams and goals. There is no better way to honor yourself than to be working towards your goals. Write your dreams and goals down and make a plan to make them happen. Dedicate yourself and hold yourself accountable. At a minimum of once a week ask yourself, what have I done to get closer to my goals?
14. Challenge yourself. I have always believed that the good stuff is outside of your comfort zone. Try to make your perspective be that if you are getting comfortable it is time for you to take on a new challenge.
15. Set short and long term goals. Small achievable goals are what keep you going. When you accomplish one of them you get a win and hopefully it gets you one step closer to your long term goals.

16. Celebrate your wins. Don’t downplay anything you accomplish. You don’t need to brag, but in your own head make damn sure you are dancing.
17. Stop trying to be perfect. Nobody is perfect. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes. We all make them. Take your lumps and move forward. Learn from it and just keep on going.
18. Do the right thing. We all know what is right and what is wrong. If you always do the right thing you are honoring yourself and at the end of the day you can look yourself in the mirror.
19. Surround yourself with good people. They say you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Make sure you are spending your time with good people.
20. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve. If you do, this can quickly become a habit and you deserve to be happy.

21. Eliminate negative self talk. Tell yourself. “I got this!” Every damn time! Talk yourself up, not down.
22. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Laugh at yourself. You are going to do really stupid stuff every once and a while. We all do. Laugh about it. It’s funny.
23. Learn to forgive. Do it for you. Carrying around all that extra baggage gets heavy. Plus you get to move on.
24. Laugh, have fun, be silly. Life is supposed to be fun. If you concentrate on having fun you probably will.
25. Be kind to others and give. You are awesome. We established that. Share that awesomeness with others. Trust me when you give your time, energy and effort to others, you will be the one who is rewarded.
Please be kind to you. You are wonderful. You deserve it.