20 Ways To Be Nice
There are many different reasons to be nice. First of all, you never know what someone else is going through. You being nice to them may be the only good thing happening in their life right now.
A few nice words can make a huge difference for someone. Another good reason to be nice is because it is the right thing to do. Being nice spreads good will. Being nice can also actually make you feel better.
Strange concept, you are nice to someone else and you feel better, but it is true. Our hope is that people being nice to each other becomes contagious.
We hope you make the extra effort to be nice to others and help us spread good will.It will also make your mother proud. 🙂
Here are some ways people can be nice.

- Help others. Help someone who is less fortunate. Help someone who is struggling. You know when someone needs help, so be the person that steps up..
2. Be polite. Having good manners is paramount to being nice. Say please and thank you. Hold the door. Chew with your mouth closed. Don’t speak if your mouth is full. Everything your mother and father told you to do….do that.
3. Find the good in everything and everyone. This one adjustment in your thinking can change your life. If it is raining, tell everyone how great it is our aquifers are being filled again. If you lose your job, look at it as an opportunity to do what you really want. If someone breaks up with you, well now you get to find the love of your life.
4. Listen. My mother always says God gave you two ears and one mouth. Use them accordingly.
5. Wait your turn to speak. We all get excited and we can talk over someone else. Nobody likes this. Resist this urge. It is the polite thing to do and you will gain others respect if you are the person that never does this.

6. Compliment people. If you admire someone, tell them. If you see an elderly woman and she is all dressed up. Tell her how pretty she looks. I guarantee you will make her day.
7. Find the humor. No matter how bad something is, look for the humor. Finding levity in difficult situations can make you a pleasure to be around.
8. Be curious. They say everyone loves the sound of their own voice. Resist the urge to always be speaking and dominating the conversation..Be interested in what others are saying. Ask questions and genuinely be curious.
9. Be on time. Punctuality is very important. It shows a lack of respect for the other person to not be on time. Only 10 minutes early is late.
10. Don’t gossip. “Did you hear about…..!” Nobody thinks highly of someone speaking negatively about someone else. Resist the urge. You never know what someone else is going through.

11. Don’t be critical. You are not living their life and judging someone else just isn’t ok. Rather than tear someone down, find the good in them. Everyone has virtues.
12. Laugh at yourself. It shows everyone your confidence as well as your humanity. Plus it is fun. We are all a hot mess at some point, find the silliness in it.
13. Apologize. If you screw up….and you will. Own your mistake. Sincerely apologize. Make sure it is genuine and do better next time.
14. Be honest. Sometimes people can’t handle the truth….be honest anyway. Be honest for you. It shows character, class and integrity.
15. Be generous. With your time. With your help. With your possessions. People notice.

16. Correspond. Write hand written thank you notes and letters. Most people don’t do this. It will really make you stand out if you do. Yes it is old school, but it is such a personal touch.
17. Be humble. Nobody likes the person always talking about themselves. Instead give someone else accolades for their accomplishments.
18. Encourage others. If someone is embarking on a new adventure tell them how wonderful it is. If they are trying to run a half marathon. Tell them how awesome it is and how you know they can do it.
19. Make time for others. Nothing says you care like actually being there. You are literally saying you are important to me.
20. Smile. If someone walks towards you smiling you usually immediately start smiling back at them. Your simple smile is spreading joy that is contagious.

Everytime you are nice to a stranger you are making the world a little bit better. I promise you that person will notice that you were nice to them and it is appreciated. It will also encourage them to be nice to others. Occasionally a stranger will notice what you have done and it subconsciously encourages them to be a little nicer too. At that point you have really done something special! We at kindnicehappy want to thank you. 🙂