17 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep may be one of the most important things you can do on a day to day basis. We all function better on a good night’s sleep. Even as adults if we haven’t had enough rest we all tend to be cranky. When you are well rested you have more energy. You are more alert. Your mind is sharper and you just feel better. We have compiled a list of strategies to help you sleep better.

- Get a comfortable bed, mattress, and pillow.- You spend 30% of your life sleeping. Make sure you are comfortable while doing it. A good mattress and pillow can reduce back and neck pain. More importantly it can be the difference between a good nights sleep and tossing and turning all night or worse, waking up with that sore neck and back. It is recommended that you replace your mattress every 6-8 years.
2. Get comfortable bedding- Getting the right bedding for your bed can change everything. This is definitely something that is individual taste. Some people love flannel sheets, but others find them hot. Some love satin, others want sheets that are breathable. It is not just the sheets either. One person may find a comforter too warm and prefer a thin comforter. The next person will want a thick down comforter. Some will want a weighted blanket. Take the time to find what works for you. Your sleep is worth it.
3. Have a regular bedtime. Having a set schedule keeps your circadian rhythms in line. Circadian rhythms are your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Keeping your sleep-wake cycle consistent sets your internal clock. Your body will then know when it is time to sleep and when it is time to be awake. Consistency is the key here.
4. Keep your bedroom cool. It is said that 65 degrees F (18.3 degrees C) is the ideal sleeping temperature and the temperature when most people fall asleep the fastest. The perfect temperature will vary for individuals, but most doctors agrees that room temperature should be between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6 to 19.4 degrees Celsius)

5. Control light exposure.
During the day-open your blinds in the morning. Let natural light in all day long. If you can, take a break or lunch outside. Getting your body into the natural rhythms of awake during the day and sleeping at night can be the key that gives you the proper rest that your body needs.
At night- Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime. The bluelight from your phone, computer or television makes your body think it is time to be up.
6. Eat a protein and fat rich meal at least 3 hours before going to bed. Most people report falling to sleep rapidly after a high protein meal.
7. Regularly exercise- Exercise helps most people sleep better. According to Johns Hopkins, research indicates that exercise decreases sleep complaints in insomnia patients. They are not sure how exercise directly affects sleep, but they do know that moderate aerobic exercise does increase slow wave sleep. This is the deep sleep that rejuvenates the brain and body. The important thing to remember is not to exercise too close to bedtime.

8. Don’t consume any caffeine at least 6 hour prior to bedtime. Even if you can fall asleep it will be a less restful sleep. This one is kind of self explanatory.
9. Limit Naps- Naps can be a great way to catch up on missed sleep, but taking a nap too late in the day can make it more difficult to sleep at night. One misplaced nap can mess up your entire sleep schedule and throw you off for days. If you are going to take a nap take it earlier in the day and limit it to a max of 45 minutes.
10. Don’t drink alcohol- Alcohol is known to disrupt sleep patterns and has been linked to sleep apnea. Some people do report falling asleep faster with alcohol, it does however disrupt REM(rapid eye movement) sleep and REM sleep is the most important for feeling rested and staying healthy.
11. Don’t drink too close to bedtime- Hydration is obviously vital to your health, but drinking too close to bedtime could have you waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.

12. Avoid sleeping in on the weekends. Sleeping in will throw off your internal clock. You will then be fighting to get back on your regular schedule when the week begins again.
13. Relax your mind in the evening- It is important to calm your mind as you are getting ready to go to sleep.. Reading a book, deep breathing exercises, or meditation all seem to be effective strategies to calm your mind and get you ready for restful nights sleep.
14. Take a bath- Many report a warm bath before bed relaxes them and get’s them ready for a good night’s sleep

15. Create an environment of peace and quiet-If you are unable to have a quiet environment consider purchasing earplugs or noise cancelling headphones. Some people will run a fan to drown out the noise or purchase a white noise machine.
16. Consider purchasing sleep aids. Some people have reported great results with humidifiers, sleep lights and sleep coaches
17. Consider taking melatonin, CBD’s or other supplements.
Your sleep is of the utmost importance. Create an environment that is conducive to sleeping. Get the right bed and bedding. Keep it cool and quiet. Have a set sleep schedule. Consistency is the key here. Protect your sleep and you will protect your health and your mind.