10 Things to Make You Happier!

Here are 10 things to make your life a little happier.  If you want a better life you have to take action.  Don’t be afraid.  Try a few of these.  You might be surprised.  By the way, you deserve to be happy!

1.Choose to be happier.  Happiness is a choice. Wake up and be grateful for what you have.  Declare that you are going to be happy. When someone or something tries to bring you down.  Refuse to let it happen. Just keep being happy!………. So walk out the door today with a smile on your face.  Say something nice to everyone you meet and smile. I promise. If you start each day like this you will be more happy.  

2.Get your finances in order.  Most stress that people have is financial stress.  Do whatever you need to do to get your finances in order.

3.Eliminate those people in your life who cause you stress or bring you down.  It is ok to grow apart from friends and even family. If they do nothing but cause you anxiety and stress,  it may be time to move on from them.

4. Take inventory of what makes you happy. Pay attention to the things that bring you joy and do more of those things. Some people look all the way back into their childhood to discover what they really love.  If you used to love playing guitar, maybe it is time to pick it up again.

5. Get outside. It is amazing what a little fresh air can do.  Go to a park. Go for a walk. Go for a bike ride. Go hiking.  I promise it can change everything.

 6.Take a technology break. This is an extension of #5.   Shut off the TV, get off your tablet, turn your phone off.  

7.Create balance in your life.  Many feel that balance is the key to happiness.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Are you working too much?  Maybe you should have a little bit more “me time.” Do you play too much?  Maybe you need to spend more time on your career. Inside you might realize that you intrinsically know this and it manifests itself into anxiety.  You need to be really honest with yourself on this one. Look at yourself honestly from the outside. Maybe ask a close friend their honest opinion.  Make sure you ask the friend who will tell you the truth.

8. Set up a morning routine.  Having a normal routine to set your day up correctly can really do wonders for starting your day off right.   This is a good time to think about what you are grateful for in your life. It is really difficult to be unhappy when you go over all of the things you are really thankful for.

9. Workout.  Getting your blood flowing and releasing some endorphins is a great way to start your day.  You usually can burn off any stress you may have and getting a good workout in makes you feel good about yourself.  Many on the staff at www.kindnicehappy.com have said  that while they workout they try to go over what they are grateful for.  This lets them do 2 things at once.  

10. Set small goals that you can accomplish.  Achieving even small victories is still a win.  Take every win you can get. All of a sudden you have stacked up a few wins in a row and you start to feel pretty good about yourself.

So take charge of your own happiness and declare that you won’t settle for anything less!  You deserve to be happy!  Now go get it!